This professionalisation course is aimed at institutional and private stakeholders, scholars and academics and aims i) to provide answers to the needs of continuing education on evolving phenomena, through a multidisciplinary preparation and international comparison; ii) to improve the understanding of the problems inherent in radicalization and the possible solutions to create inclusion policies and/or the identification of regulatory, social, political tools and concrete de-radicalization activities. The contents have been agreed with ADA University in Baku in order to be able to meet the specific needs of the territory.
In their elaboration, the experiences and the lines of resolutions by the European Parliament and the Italian and European laws on de-radicalization, inclusion, education and effectiveness of human rights, have been considered as good practices. Indeed, a further objective of the course is to create moments of discussion and exchange of good practices, which can be the basis for de-radicalization and inclusion policies that can be implemented at a social, educational, intercultural and inter-religious level.
The strategy against radicalization is also implemented with the prevention (through educational policies) and recovery of radicalizable/radicalized persons, respecting human rights, which are considered as an important element of awareness in the framework of the education of the political management, as well as one of the cornerstones of the course. At the end of the course the attending students will have acquired several advanced conceptual and theoretical tools that will allow them to proceed to an articulated interpretation of the dynamics of the phenomena of radicalization, but also to elaborate and evaluate the various possible measures to implement integration processes.
More in detail, a formation of trainers is expected that can produce a multiplier effect in continuing education in sensitive contexts such as those of Azerbaijan and by extension of the Trans- and Cis-Caucasian regions. The course is part of the wider activities of PRaNet Project (Prevention Radicalisation Network), funded by Italian Ministry of Research (MIUR) and implemented in collaboration with ADA University (Baku, Azerbaijan) and the Université Mohamed Lamine Debaghine - Sétif 2 (Sétif, Algeria).

- Teacher: Michele Brunelli