
Prof. Dr. Norifumi Kawai/Universita degli Studi di Bergmo/04.04.2024 & 05.04.2024

Prof. Dr. Norifumi Kawai/Universita degli Studi di Bergmo/04.04.2024 & 05.04.2024

par Norifumi KAWAI,
Nombre de réponses : 0


International Business & Trade

Dear all,

I hope that you are doing well as always.

Today I wanted to draw your attention to the aims/objectives of our two sessions for next week, that is to say, 04.04.2024 (Thursday) & 05.04.2024 (Friday).

Regarding the Thursday session along with de-internationalization, please be well-prepared to discuss the concrete content of the three assigned articles as follows:

FDI Strategies – Foreign Market Exit

Buckley, P. J., Horn, S. A., Cross, A. R., & Stillwell, J. (2013). “The Spatial Redistribution of Japanese Direct Investment in the UK between 1991 & 2010”, Business History, 55(3), 405-430.

Thams, Y., & Dau, L. A. (2023). “Do Liberal & Conservative-Leaning CEOs Approach De-Internationalization Differently? Zooming in on the Onset of the 2022 Russia/Ukraine Crisis”, Journal of World Business, 58(5), 101475.

Ozkan, K. (2020). “International Market Exit by Firms: Misalignment of Strategy with the Foreign Market Risk Environment”, International Business Review, 29(6): 101741.

The list of questions for each article is now available on moodle.


On 05.04.2024 (Friday), we will discuss the new topic - Cross-border M&As

Please read the following "4" short cases for class discussions before coming to the class (It takes you just several minutes to read through each case):

1. Cadbury Schweppes & Adams

2. Lonrho & Rollex

3. Lafarge in India

4. Nomura

There is another assignment as follows:

QUESTION: Choose & investigate one unsuccessful cross-border M&A case. Be well-prepared to discuss the underlying rationale behind its failure within 3 minutes at a maximum.

I will voluntarily ask 3-5 students to give a brief talk about their findings on the sage (Please do not worry. This is just a practice.).

I am sincerely wishing all of you Buona Pasqua please.

Thank you in advance for your great attention and please take the best care of yourself.

Kindest wishes, Norifumi Kawai

p.s. I might not be able to reply to your emails because I will be off for a while due to my family trip to Germany. I am sorry for the inconvenience involved.