Bergamo, 13.06.2024
International Business & Trade
Dear all,
Re: Final Exam (June 2024)
I really hope that you are doing well & that you are now ready for the final exam.
As of today, I understand from the university system that 50 students have officially signed up for the final exam scheduled next week.
If you cannot attend the exam due to your personal circumstances (including that you simply changed your mind at the last minute) juts in case, please do let me know as a matter of courtesy in advance since I am currently preparing your seat plan.
One anxiety provokes another so please be advised that feeling anxious is meaningless. Rather, preparing yourself very well to your best ability every single moment is the only solution. This is a gentle reminder that what is very important is to provide logical, detailed & contextualized explanations when you answer my exam questions. In other words, answering them in a way that is too broad, irrelevant & vague way should be avoided at all costs.
I am sincerely wishing you all the best always.
Kind wishes, Norifumi Kawai