
Prof. Dr. Norifumi Kawai/Universita degli Studi di Bergamo

Prof. Dr. Norifumi Kawai/Universita degli Studi di Bergamo

di KAWAI Norifumi -
Numero di risposte: 0


Dear all,

First of all, I thank you very much for coming to the first session of this course.

I have just posted today's lecture presentation on moodle so please find it at your convenience.

Again, I would like to formally request you to read (1) Lateness & Courtesy, (2) Student Charter, & (3) Student Responsibilities in the syllabus. 

If you wish to officially enroll in my course, please note the details in the sections above. I hope that you really understand what I mean as underlined in today's session. 

If you decide to stay in my course, I will look forward to this Wednesday. In sharp contrast, should you decide not to enroll in my course, I wish you all the best always.

Best wishes, 

Norifumi Kawai