
Prof. Dr. Norifumi Kawai/Universita degli Studi di Bergamo

Prof. Dr. Norifumi Kawai/Universita degli Studi di Bergamo

von Norifumi KAWAI -
Anzahl Antworten: 0

23.02.2025, Bergamo

International Business & Trade

Dear all,

Re: List of Students Enrolled in the IBT Course 2024-2025

I trust that this email finds you well.

Today I am officially writing to draw your attention to the list of students enrolled in the IBT course for this academic year. Based on your self-introduction form, I have just made the list. If you do not mind, please go to the moodle account of this course & check whether your information contained in the list is correct or not at your earliest convenience.

If your name is not found, it means that you did not submit your self-introduction form via moodle. Another point is that I am really wondering whether it is true that many of you are really attending students or not (The list indicates 81 attending students & 6 non-attending students). It is because I saw only 60-70 students last week on average.

I just wanted to remind you that if you declare you are an attending student you will be assessed by 3 assessment methods: (1) class participation (25%), (2) group presentation (25%), & (3) final exam (50%). Non-attending students will be assessed by the final exam (100%) only. Please double-check your student type (attending students or non-attending students) once again. I need to finalize this list as quickly as possible because of administrative reasons, including forming groups for the second assessment indicated above.

Therefore, if you filled in with wrong information by mistake or changed your mind, please let me know officially by 15:00 pm 26.02.2025 (Wednesday). In other words, after this due date, I will finalize the list in official terms. 

I wish you a wonderful rest of the weekend and I will see you tomorrow morning.

Kind wishes,

Norifumi Kawai

p.s. Please be prepared ahead & make sure that you check the content of the syllabus on a regular basis.

p.p.s. I might ask several students to present a summary of what we have learnt (only 1 minute) in the previous week in front of everyone. Therefore, please bear in mind that whenever you enter my lecture room, you are there to make a valuable contribution. This is what I explicitly explained on the first day of my course. It would be greatly appreciated if you could revisit the course syllabus as well as the WEEK 1-1 presentation if you are not really sure about what I am expecting from you.