
                                                          PROJECT WORKS                                                        


The first time you open the "Facebook travel communities" spreadsheet available in the Moddle, you will have to choose one ot the 13 online travel groups listed under column B.

Insert your name in the row of the group your prefer, in an empty space under column "Admin #4" or "Admin #5".  If you lived in one or more of the regions or cities listed, then it's better if you choose one of them, if there is an empty space available yet, as your knowledge of that city or region will be very useful for the project work.

Contact the other administrators of your group to get in touch with them and learn what are the tasks that your group is currently doing for the two project works.

You can register to the written exam even if you didn't join any group, for example if you couldn't attend the lessons in person, or if you started the master after this course was finished. In these cases, you will still be able to register to the exam, but this course won't be very useful to you.

In any case, you still have to join each of the 13 fb groups (click on the link near the group name to visit the group and join it). You should also like all posts previously published in all groups.   


                                                            WRITTEN EXAM                                                         


The written exam is very straightforward. It is made up by 20 closed questions. Each question has three answers, one true and two wrong. You need to answer correctly to 12 questions or more in order to be approved. This course is an “Idoneità”, so you won’t get any numerical grade, just “approved” or “not approved”.

All questions regard just the definition of the information technologies (IT) described in the pdf of the lessons available in the Moodle of first lesson (“Lesson 1 - ITs for to Tourism Services”). You only need to know only the definition of the listed ITs. You don't need to know their applications, or their impact on tourism, or their evolution in time. Just the definition of the IT. One or two questions may also be related to the definition of bit/byte, KB, MB, GB, TB etc. shown in the slides. 

There will be seven dates for the written exam. You can choose the one you prefer. If you can, aim for the first date in January, in order to have more time to study for the other exams. Bring with you your ID card and a pencil. 

In case of questions or doubts, do not exhitate to write me at

Последнее изменение: Вторник, 1 октября 2024, 09:16